Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rainy Summer Days for Tampa

It has been raining ALL WEEK here in Tampa. Not just the typical afternoon Florida thunderstorms. We are used to those. No, these are the watch-out-when-you-see-a-clear-spot-and-walk-outside-at-6am-because-it's-going-to-start-pouring-again kind of days.

The baby and I are outdoor types. We like to jog in the neighborhood next to ours. We like to practice swimming and dumping buckets of water at the pool. Yesterday we washed the cars in the rain. The baby hung out in the car honking the horn for a while (much to the enjoyment of the neighbors at 8 am, I'm sure.) But there is little you can do outside when the lightning starts. We've built forts, done pilates, and rolled around on the floor inside. Today the sweet boy found some playdough. Good idea, buddy!

He sat up at the table like a big boy. He yelled "DAAAAAAH" (dot) while he poked holes in the pretty yellow softness for a while. I got out my camera because he was so cute. Then, when he knew I was engaged in taking the photos, he started this.

tampa child photograer,tampa baby photographer

Oh... Boys!

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